Start-Up is a week-long design sprint hosted by FLUX - the UX club in collaboration with SCADpro. Student teams were given seven days to fully develop and flush out a startup idea and pitch it to industry professionals, from companies such as IBM, Google, and Adobe. My team made it into the final four and placed 2nd overall. Our concept focused on a platform that helps women of domestic abuse escape cleanly and safely from their abuser and begin on a path towards recovery.
Den is an ecosystem of products that help people experiencing domestic abuse escape cleanly and safely from their abuser and begin on a path towards recovery. Den includes the preparation app, a den placement home, home security devices, and an emergency 911-Keychain.
Every minute, 20 people in the U.S. become victims of intimate partner violence. On average victims of abuse will attempt leaving their abuser seven times before being successful. During these several attempts victims are in the most danger and lack the clarity, stability and safety to leave safely. The fact is, Up to 75% of abused women who are murdered are killed after they leave their partners.
An ecosystem of products and services that provide the clarity, stability and safety our users need to escape their abusive relationships. With our ecosystem we aim to lower the number of women who are killed within the first two weeks of escaping their abuser.
It was crucial for our team to have research fuel every design decision we made with our product, so we conducted extensive research throughout our 10 weeks, from initial secondary research to high-fidelity user testing. We had many digital interviews with people across the globe that helped guide our research and development.
Throughout our 10-week project, we had kept close contact with multiple individuals whose vision range from being partially impaired to completely blind. They have guided the research and development of our product to accurately design for our target audience.